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Frequently asked questions

My hospital is a small Hospital in rural area.Can we go for Entry Level Accreditation?

The Size & location  of the hospital doesn’t matter .What matters is the compliance of the NABH standards which has been set.The implementation of these standard are important rather than size  of the beds.

My Hospital doesn’t have a ramp or lift as its an old building and there is no possibilities of any alteration !Can we go for NABH Entry Level Certification?

The Scope of Service provided by the hospital is very crucial in such cases.The hospital needs to demonstrate satisfactorily how the patients are shifted/transferred without compromising the safety of the patients

We don’t have any knowledge about the NABH standards and nor anyone in our organization has the same.How can we go ahead.

We shall orient your staff towards the NABH standards and process.

How will our staff be  trained ?

The training sessions will happen at your hospital itself.

What topics of training will be covered and which categories of staff will be trained ?

The training and orientation is required from the management onwards till your housekeeping/Security staff.The topics will vary depending upon the job profile of the staff.

Few topics of training like given below will be given to the related  staff:-

1)Activation of CODE BLUE,CODE RED,CODE PINK  etc

2)High Risk Medicine Protocols,LASA Drugs,Critical Value reporting and maintaining the registers,Blood Spillage protocols,Needle Stick Injury protocol and many other training topics are covered during the Accreditation process.

If we need any formats of registers,Consent forms and other related documents then from where we will get those ?

The hospital need not to worry on these fronts ! All the Forms and Formats necessary for the implementation of NABH standards will be given by A PLUS ACCREDITATIONS to the hospital.

Work with India’s most efficient  NABH Consulting Organization

Working hours

Monday- Saturday
9:30-6:00 PM
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)
Friday – 8:00-14:00

We are here

Vashi ,Navi Mumbai 400703
Phone:+91 7021803692
Email: info@